Then Kiss Me, Part 2

posted in: Various Musings | 0

Just a couple of days before the release of Then Kiss Me.  You’ll be able to tell it’s still me at the helm, but there are a couple of things about this book that I want to warn you about (if you haven’t figured some of them out already):

  • Casey’s a strong heroine (a must for a Jade C. Jamison novel), but she’s young and still unsure of herself.  She’s not sure where she fits in the world and she’s not as confident and self-assured as I predict she will be in about ten years.  She’s definitely not tough and together like Nicki Sosebee or Samantha (Stating His Case), for example.  So she makes some stupid decisions.  She ultimately puts her head back on straight, though, so I hope you can forgive those moments where you feel like slapping her upside the head.
  • This book is written in first person.  I usually write in third person and I prefer it, but once in a while a story is served well when told from the first person point of view.  This is one of those stories.  I don’t know how I would have written it in third person.  The story just kind of demanded to be told from Casey’s exclusive point of view…in her head, at her eye level, if you catch my drift.
  • The middle section of the book digs even deeper into that POV.  I wanted to take advantage of that perspective.  It’s kind of like, “Well, I’m already in the mall…I might as well buy a new pair of shoes…”

I’d thought this was going to be one of those smaller stories (think Tangled Web and MADversary), but it wound up being a lot bigger.  It’s closer to Innocent Bystander in terms of size, and honestly the story could have been even longer (Worst Mother length, for instance).  But I didn’t want to have a long and drawn out story.  There was an area in the story where I wanted to linger but chose not to, because it would have just been gratuitous, so I picked up the pace and got on with the story!

So…the countdown is on.  Just a few more days.  I really hope you like it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

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