I’ve been struggling with the blurbs for a while. Yes, plural, as in blurbs.
In case you hadn’t picked up on it, I’ve decided that Vagabonds is going to be a trilogy. This epic story is actually three stories in one, and it’s a natural. And, finally, the words are flowing, so I was finally able to pen the blurb, which is, really, the most important selling point of any book. Here’s the blurb for book one, On the Run, which should be released sometime this summer…and I’m hoping the other books will follow shortly thereafter.
What if your dream became a nightmare?
Kyle Summers enjoys a carefree childhood traveling the countryside with her parents…until she discovers the electric guitar. When she first wraps her hand around its neck, she knows she was born to play it.
When she discovers boys, she realizes she has a second passion.
But music always comes first, and when Kyle is recruited to be part of a young all-girl band, she jumps at her chance for fame and fortune. It isn’t long before Kyle discovers that all that glitters isn’t gold. Will she survive when she discovers the dark and seedy side of the music industry—or will it ruin her for good?
Here is the blurb for the trilogy…
Witness one young woman’s rise to fame past the pitfalls of sex, drugs, and easy money, through fortune and success to heartbreak and betrayal. Five girls build their band The Vagabonds from nothing but a hunger to create and quickly find that they are nothing but pawns in a larger game played by managers, agents, the press, the music industry, and all manner of unscrupulous, greedy people who want to feed on their triumphs. Friendships and lives hang in the balance. Who will survive?
And, if I’m going to have the damn books written by summer, I’d better get back to work. 🙂
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