Many of you who come to my website via a search engine might be scratching your head, wondering why the hell I would title a blog post in such a weird way…so let’s get that part over with first. I have lots of faithful readers and friends who tell me something about reading my latest newsletter, and I’m the one scratching my head, wondering what they’re talking about.
And then I realize they’re talking about this.
Yes, this. This blog. If you, like many other folks, are reading this in your email, it is because, at some point, you signed up for a feed to my blog. First of all, I would like to thank you! There aren’t hundreds of you, but you’re there, and it makes me happy that you like what I have to say enough that you don’t want to miss anything. Secondly, though, I want you to know that THIS email in your inbox is NOT my newsletter.
Nope. It’s just my website forwarding my latest blog post to you.
I’m not saying this isn’t important…but my monthly newsletter is quite a bit different. In there, I tell you about my latest projects, my future plans, and more. I also will sometimes throw in some teasers and I always do a giveaway. And I also send a newsletter when I have a new release. Other than that, I try not to. I don’t want to flood inboxes!
So some of you who have this in their inbox might be thinking, “Okay, great! Where do I sign up?” Some of you who found this via search engine might be asking the same thing…so let me give you that info now.
Oh…and one last thing. If you haven’t read much of my work (or haven’t read any), you will also get access to four of my books, absolutely free, for signing up to my newsletter. It’s not only my way of saying thanks, but it’s also my way of giving you a risk-free opportunity to decide if you like my work. After all, who wants to subscribe to a newsletter for a writer they’re not sure they even like?
Sign up here –>
Thanks for your continued support!
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