So a lot of you know I’ve rewritten the Nicki Sosebee books (very light edits–no “changing of history”). New titles, new descriptions, complete relaunch. But I didn’t want Nicki fans to have to repurchase the books, so as I re-release them, I’m offering them five days for free.
But if Nicki is new to you and you’ve missed any of the free days, you’ll be happy to know that I will be offering the first twelve books for 99 cents until the release of #13.
Hardcore Nicki fans are wondering if I can publish Nicki #13 earlier than planned. To that I say, maybe! First, let me share my original plans with you.
Here’s the current timeline/plan, in case you’re willing to wait and just want to know how long.

Books 1-3 have already been released and free. Here are the remainder:
IN THE NEWS (#4) free 9/8-9/12
SPREADING THE NEWS (#5) free 9/13-9/17
BREAKING NEWS (#6) free 9/18-9/22
BAD NEWS FIRST (#7) free 9/23-9/27
NEWSWORTHY (#8) free 9/28-10/2
YESTERDAY’S NEWS (#9) free 10/3-10/7
NEWS FROM THE FRONT (#10) free 10/8-10/12
MAKING NEWS (#11) free 10/13-10/17
BEARER OF BAD NEWS (#12) free 10/18-10/22
FRONT PAGE NEWS (#13) live 10/23/20
Now…this timeline would be easy enough to switch up. As of this posting, books 1-5 are live and books 6-12, though not live, are all but ready to go–and #13 will be going to beta readers in the very near future, meaning it would be easy to speed up that process as well.
When I asked readers on Facebook what they would do to get me to release the book early, they hinted that it would be the same thing they’d do for a Klondike bar (if you remember that commercial). So here’s the Klondike bar offer:
I would love to see the first four books get 10 reviews each on Amazon (and I don’t care how many stars, because even “bad” reviews help readers figure out if they’d like a book–no reviews don’t!). As soon as that happens, I will fast track the last Nicki book. If all were to go well, I could probably, even with extensive beta feedback, have it ready to go before October.
Either way…Nicki #13 will be in your hands before Halloween!!!
If you want to help out, you can check out the Nicki Sosebee Stories!
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