Kindle Vella: yes, no, or maybe?

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I hadn’t made a big deal about writing three different stories for Kindle Vella, because back when Amazon first talked about it, I polled my readers. Very few of them seemed interested at all, because they’re book people—they don’t want episodes doled out one at a time; they want whole stories.

I get that…so other than mentioning it on Facebook and chatting about it a little, I didn’t say anything else. But here’s the thing. I have three stories on Vella and, just like on Amazon, competition already appears to be fierce. That means that, after I finish these three stories, I might not publish anything else on that particular platform.

But my stories need a little love. 😉

I mention it because, if you are checking out Vella, please go check my stories out. Apparently, stories get more visibility if people are giving episodes “thumbs up” or marking stories as “faves.” The first three episodes are free so even if you’re not into episodic reading, you could still get a taste of what I’m writing there.

Unfortunately, Amazon doesn’t let us post episodes on our websites, because that makes the content free (even though, yes, the first three episodes are free on Vella), so I can’t share that here—but I figured I’d share a little something here in case you wanted to check out one (or all) of my stories there!

WORLD BABY – rockstar romance. I’ve had this story in my head for a while, but I was inspired to start writing it a few days ago! 🙂 Here are the blurb and tags (although those might change later on):

Rockstar Elijah Wilder is famous. Married. And a father. I’m poor. Struggling to stay in school. Failing miserably. We don’t belong together. We shouldn’t have even met. But, somehow, we wind up together. Now the question is if we can make it last…

Tags: rockstar romance, new adult, romance, love, drama, contemporary romance, steamy

You can read the first episode here:

SCENE OF THE CRIME – romantic suspense (think: Nicki Sosebee younger and more of a hot mess than ever but less naïve). Blurb and tags for this story (which will be wrapping up soon—I’ve written it in such a way that I can have more installments if readers want more) follow. There’s a slow burn romance that I intended to happen between the heroine Jo and the handsome detective Andy—but the story I’ve written wraps up nicely if that’s all that ever happens.

I came to Dalton to escape drama and crime. My mother was a magnet for both, so I worked hard to leave. But what if I’m the magnet? Crime and drama seem to have followed me here. Case in point: My dorm on the third floor is high enough for someone to fall to her death, which (spoiler alert) she did. And since the cops in Dalton are clueless, I’ll have to be the one to figure out what happened. A difficult task, considering I’m totally distracted by the gorgeous detective working the case…

Tags: college, romantic suspense, new adult, drama, murder, female protagonist, detective

Check out the first three episodes here:

Last but not least…

DANGEROUS LOVE – As soon as I read that Kindle was going to be offering episodic stories, I initially decided not to write anything.  But when I changed my mind a couple of days later, I came up with this story. It’s a coming of age tale with themes similar to lots of stories I’ve written. College girl from a very sheltered life is on her own for the first time—and falls in love…but is he the right guy for her? Here are the blurb and tags:

Living a sheltered life protected me from harm…but it also gave me the urge to seek what I’ve been missing. Going to college far from home is my first taste of freedom and I’m at war with myself. Part of me wants to drink it all in but the rest of me lives in fear of eternal damnation. When I meet him, all bets are off. He is everything I’ve been looking for, everything I need…and for him, I will gladly burn in a lake of fire. But what if I am nothing but a plaything to him?

Tags: new adult, love triangle, romance, love, coming of age, contemporary romance, college

Check it out here:

Hey, my friends, if you do check out these stories and you like them, please considering giving me a thumbs up (or even fave a story!!!).

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