So…the night/day before a new release, I’m usually not writing much. No–more often, I’m doing things “behind the scenes” to prepare for the event: composing newsletters, setting up automatic posts, writing a blog post (so, technically, I am writing–just not the kind of writing I’d rather be doing!). If I had more time, I’d probably be doing a lot of this much sooner, but no biggie. It is what it is.
I’m sure you can understand that, when your internet chooses to stop cooperating, you are effectively up that proverbial creek without a paddle. That was me on Sunday night. I had scheduled posts for Twitter and Facebook (both my page and group); I’d composed all my email letters (including analyzing–and agonizing over!–my subject line since my open and click rates are low); I’d decided to do a cool Instagram post as well and had spent some time researching hashtags and then figuring out how to get those ready on my phone (since I can’t schedule a post there nor can I do it from my computer–I’m sure there are ways to do it that I’m not privy to yet). My next task that evening was writing this very blog post when my sons went to reset the router (the internet had been spotty for them at the back of the house, though I hadn’t noticed any slowdown or anything to give me pause). When the internet fizzled, I thought it was something they’d done (sorry, boys!!!). But between them and hubby (and even hooking up an old router to test), they couldn’t get it back up on Sunday evening. Monday morning, I still had that ugly yellow triangle with the exclamation point in it, telling me the internet was still down. 🙁 But I thought, hey! No problem. I’ll just post sometime in the afternoon.
By last night, sitting in front of my computer, I was frazzled. We still had no internet. Not only could I not access my blog, but I couldn’t access my email, either (long story–and telling it makes me feel like an old person! LOL). But guess what? I have internet this morning! Our cable company got its sh*t together overnight and voila! Ten years ago, before I became an indie author, it wouldn’t have mattered. Today, sigh.
But no worries. Here I am, back at it! A day late, I’ll also be a dollar short. Wink! I had planned on making Charade 99 cents during the first day only but since I’m finishing up what I’d started Sunday evening, I’m keeping it 99 cents for one more day–so, if you missed it, you can snag it now. It will change to its regular price sometime this week when I feel like it. 🙂
In the meantime, here’s the post I’d written for yesterday–it’s still relevant and entertaining. Now I need to catch up on my emails. If you haven’t read Charade yet, I hope you do soon. The reaction from my readers has been a pleasant surprise. I feared my regular readers might not like it, but instead they love it! I’ve received 18 five-star reviews out of 20 so far on Amazon, and three reviewers thus far have said this is one of the best fake fiancée romances they’ve ever read.
Anyway…yesterday’s blog post:
Charade is live, and just in case this is the first you’ve heard of it, I wanted to let you know it’s 99 cents today only. I’m not gonna tell you the blurb again or give you another excerpt, but if you haven’t seen those, you can click here: FIRST CHAPTER. If you just want to order, you can click here to get LINKS.
But I just wanted to talk a little more about the book. There are three main locations in the book, all in Colorado, and I wanted to say a little bit about them.
The main location is the Denver metro area–some scenes take place in Denver itself, while Brock and Erica work in Lakewood, a suburb, and Brock’s brother Brandon and his family live in Highlands Ranch (another suburb). I had an aunt who lived in Lakewood for a number of years, and now one of my nephews does. I liked setting the main action in the Denver area, because it worked for a lot of reasons (where Erica attended school, among other things). The big city was also a great juxtaposition for the town of Gunnison and Vail Village, both in Colorado. Gunnison is Erica’s hometown and Vail is Brock’s home away from home.
Gunnison, on Colorado’s western slope, will always have a giant place in my heart. Not only did I attend college there eons ago, but I

also lived there for a number of years after and that’s where my husband and I met. Gunnison is beautiful in the summer, making outdoor activity all but a must. It gets ridiculously cold in the summer (I have never felt cold like I have there), but I have so many fond memories of my time there, and I still visit there once in a while. One of my best friends in college was a Gunny native and she still lives there!

Vail, less than two hours from Denver, is a ski village known for its beauty. I’ve been there a few times on business trips and I love how the valley is snuggled by high mountain tops mostly covered in trees. The town is beautifully manicured and the trail by the creek is amazing. Oh–and there’s plenty of good food to be found!
As most of you know, I write about Colorado because that’s what I know–and I know part of reading is experiencing new worlds. Some of my stories revolve around fictional towns in my home state, but a lot of them are in real places. I hope this story transports you not only to Colorado but down a path of fun and frivolity. Happy reading!
Oh, and in case you missed those links up top, here they are again:
Amazon UK:
Amazon CA:
Amazon AU:
Barnes & Noble:
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