So…I’m discovering—like some wise guy said at some point—that the older I get, the more I realize I don’t know sh*t. Or I’ve forgotten more than I ever knew…or something like that. 😉
In all seriousness, this journey of indie publishing has helped me realize that the more I think I know something, the less I really know. For instance, I know (or thought I did) that Facebook played a huge part in the way I promoted my book Bullet, the book that made me an Amazon bestselling author. I’m still fairly certain of that fact, simply based upon the way things were at the time and the feedback I received then. You all probably know that Facebook made no bones about changing their “algorithms,” not once, but twice since then, and now posts are “served” rather than viewed. So I’ll give the Facebook gods credit for one thing—at least they are now being more transparent about the process that gets one noticed on their site. They choose to “serve” or not to serve based on their secret algorithms.
What this has taught me (I think) is that I can no longer rely on Facebook alone. That is why I am branching out to other social media, some that I’ve played with a little and some that I’ve never used. I don’t want to put all my marketing eggs in the Facebook basket anymore, ‘cause it ain’t workin’. That said, I’m also reaching out to people who have offered to help in the past and I’ve extended my Street Team. I don’t want to become obnoxious, but clearly I haven’t been getting noticed like I had been in the past. My old mantra “If I write it, they will read it” isn’t working, because they no longer know I’ve written it!
Some of you (especially those of you who have signed up for the RSS feed for my website and are now reading this in your email) want to see a lot of me. If that’s the case, then HI!!! Thanks for sticking around and supporting me. I appreciate everything you do for me. The rest of the reading world, those who read in my genre but don’t follow me closely, miss a lot, and I have readers lament to me on occasion that they had no idea such-and-such a book I wrote was out. So, those of you who are my faithful readers, sorry if it seems like I’m in your face a lot. That’s not my intent. A fellow writer recently told me that it takes a “customer” being shown something an average of (I think!) three times before a message starts to sink in. The way Facebook is (along with an oversaturated market) compels me to think I need to take that approach–getting the word out there A LOT…so I’ve asked my Street Team friends and blogger friends and I’m pressing every media button I can to get the Finger Bang word out there. Other things I’ve done in the recent past haven’t worked, so I have to keep trying until I find something that does.
Yes, that also means that I am now regularly blogging (once a week) instead of when the mood strikes. I always tried to post at least once a month and now I’m stepping it up to once a week. I hope you’ll also notice regular appearances on my Facebook profile (in addition to my page), Twitter, Booktropolous, Google+, Instagram, and I’m going to be getting into Tumblr soon. Oh, and I now have a monthly newsletter. And those of you who follow me at any of these outlets, I want to thank you—thanks not only for hanging around but also for interacting with me and spreading the word. Thank you for talking about my books, not only online but in person. Thank you for EVERYTHING. I appreciate you so much!!!
Cross your fingers (finger?) for Finger Bang. It’s now just a month away, and I hope you love it! That will tell me if what I’ve been doing is working…or if I need to try yet another approach.
I didn’t know you were in Instagram. I’m following now. Are you on Pinterest as well? I notice more and more authors on Pinterest these days.
Oh, yeah! I forgot that one. LOL Yes, I’ve been on Pinterest for about a year! 🙂
Pauline Santoro
I am just learning tweeter, I know I’m a dork. Just got comfortable with FB, I also started Pinterest but don’t get it yet, I thought FB was hard, any way am continuing to put your name and books out there. Hope you don’t mind that I go back to older books evry once in a while. Hope Finger Bang goes offf eith a Bang (pun intended). Love ya Jade. 🙂 <3
Pauline, I appreciate any and everything you do for me. I wouldn’t dare tell you what to share. I appreciate what you do no matter what, and I too hope it goes off with a bang! 😀 <3 you so much!!!