ARC Giveaway of ON THE RUN (Vagabonds #1)

posted in: Giveaway, Various Musings | 21

Would you like to read On the Run before anyone else? You have your chance right here, right now!

There is only ONE requirement—that you post your review for the book the day it’s released on Amazon (August 31). NOTE: If you are not able to review the book on Amazon within twenty-four hours of its release, please do not enter this giveaway.

Okay…now that I’m done with that, here’s how you enter: All you need to do is post in the comments section of this post!

Giveaway will end Friday night, August 21, at 10:00 pm MDT. I’ll use to choose a winner! I will announce it here on Saturday or before, and the winner will have 72 hours to claim the prize.

Please note: All winners must be able to give me their Kindle address and add me as an accepted sender to receive the ARC.

Okay, already…I think that’s enough rules. Good luck and thank you for your interest!!!

Oh, one last thing–there is a similar giveaway going on right now on my Facebook page (it’s pinned to the top) and I will be running another giveaway on Twitter in the next few days once I figure out the logistics, so you can increase your odds by entering in those spots as well.

If you don’t win, the good news is that you have less than two weeks to wait for the release!

UPDATE 8/23/15:

The winners of this giveaway are Julie Kirby and Marisa Maira.  Congratulations!  Please see my post today (8/23/15) with details about how to claim your prize.  Thank you all for your interest!

21 Responses

  1. Marisa Maira

    Yes, I would love an arc copy. Congratulations on the new release. I’m looking forward to reading it. Thanks for this awesome opportunity!

  2. Julie Kirby

    Yes please, I promise to read and post the review on 31st august, even if I have to make my boss give me extra time off to read! Lol

  3. Jade

    Hi, everyone! Thank you so much for entering! The winners are Julie Kirby and Marisa Maira. Ladies, please see today’s blog post about how to claim your prize.

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