The Best Laid Plans…
I would be willing to bet a lot of hard-earned cash that a good many of my faithful readers (both past and present) have been a bit, shall we say, exasperated at my publishing pace over the past few years. … Continued
I would be willing to bet a lot of hard-earned cash that a good many of my faithful readers (both past and present) have been a bit, shall we say, exasperated at my publishing pace over the past few years. … Continued
So a lot of you know I’ve rewritten the Nicki Sosebee books (very light edits–no “changing of history”). New titles, new descriptions, complete relaunch. But I didn’t want Nicki fans to have to repurchase the books, so as I re-release … Continued
Just a heads up: this book review will help authors more than my regular readers, but I know some of my author friends read my blog on occasion, so I wanted to post this here! I absolutely loved Nick Thacker’s … Continued
I am soooo excited. The final Nicki Sosebee book is right around the corner, following a complete relaunch of the series. Slight editing of the first twelve books, new titles, new descriptions. And, on top of that, I’m offering the … Continued
Well…maybe not everything. But just about. I can’t speak for my fellow authors out there, but I’ll tell you that my brain can be inspired by anything and everything–and I never know when inspiration is going to strike. Currently, as … Continued