Sneak Peek at the “Sequel” to Tangled Web
Originally posted on July 25, 2012 A few of you responded to my question on Facebook where I asked if you’d want a peek at my new book. It’s almost done and needs a rewrite before I ship it off … Continued
Originally posted on July 25, 2012 A few of you responded to my question on Facebook where I asked if you’d want a peek at my new book. It’s almost done and needs a rewrite before I ship it off … Continued
Originally posted on July 5, 2012 Those of you who read my blog/website on a fairly regular basis know that I don’t like to criticize writers publicly. That is, I might dislike a book and I might speak of it … Continued
Originally posted on June 11, 2012 …and his name is Riley Schultz. Do you remember Riley, Katie’s first boyfriend from Tangled Web? Sure, you do…Katie first thought of Riley this way: He’d always been a cocky sonofa, Katie had thought. … Continued
Originally posted on March 30, 2012 I’m furiously writing the next Nicki book (Innocent Bystander [republished in 2020 as Bad News First]). It is already as long as most other Nicki books, but there’s still a lot of story left. … Continued
Originally posted on March 10, 2012 Today, my significant other pointed me to an article he found on the New York Times website about E L James’s Fifty Shades trilogy. I’d heard about her books, but I haven’t read them. … Continued