What’s the Plan, Man?
It seems that there are a few of you who don’t know my plan for the Vagabonds trilogy. So…let me tell you where I am in the project and then what you can expect from me. Where I am in … Continued
It seems that there are a few of you who don’t know my plan for the Vagabonds trilogy. So…let me tell you where I am in the project and then what you can expect from me. Where I am in … Continued
Giveaway–> http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/98254a9533/ Goodreads–> https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25562580-on-the-run Rockstar Romance, Contemporary Romance Release Date: Late Summer 2015 Other books in the trilogy: On the Road (#2, to be released two weeks or less after #1) On the Rocks (#3, to be released two … Continued
If you haven’t heard of the Vagabonds by now, I would ask where the hell you’ve been. Just two short years ago, the world was without this rock goddess band. Even though they are an international sensation, these young women—who … Continued
I’ve been struggling with the blurbs for a while. Yes, plural, as in blurbs. In case you hadn’t picked up on it, I’ve decided that Vagabonds is going to be a trilogy. This epic story is actually three stories in … Continued
By now, it’s a guarantee you’ve heard at least something about The Vagabonds. Good or bad, there’s no dismissing their seeming overnight fame. Turn on the radio to any rock station, and you’re bound to hear one of their tunes … Continued
We sensed it on the horizon. In retrospect, it will be blamed on multiple issues, from the fact that these girls started way too young, had too controlling a producer, had too little supervision on the road (and what resulted was … Continued
So…I’m 10,000 words into Vagabonds–and I know the entire plot, including a huge secret I’m not gonna tell you just yet–but I can’t come up with the blurb. That’s okay. I have plenty of time. I’m not publishing till this … Continued
In a nutshell: They make sweet music together, but can it last? Megan Walker doesn’t plan to attend her high school reunion, but her best friend Lisa begs her to come along. Megan doesn’t want to risk running into her … Continued
Jade makes no bones about the fact that she is a huge hard rock/heavy metal fan. Has been since she was a teenager and always will be, even when she’s in her eighties. And she makes no apologies for it. … Continued
Okay, friends…at this stage of the game, I have to admit something. I’m still going to be quite secretive about this story. I’m not ready to leak a lot of details yet. That said, I do want to share a … Continued