Letting Go
I met my friend Pauline after she read Bullet. I’m not going to give her last name (to protect her identity, because I didn’t tell her I was going to mention her in a blog post), but basically my book … Continued
I met my friend Pauline after she read Bullet. I’m not going to give her last name (to protect her identity, because I didn’t tell her I was going to mention her in a blog post), but basically my book … Continued
I’ve started a new Throwback Thursday segment on Facebook, one where I plan to give a little background behind each one of my books. Last Thursday, I focused on Tangled Web and I wanted to say a little more here, … Continued
Sometimes I bite off more than I can chew. I’ve done that this year—big time. It’s all good, but I’m feeling a little stressed and wonder if I should spend more time marketing myself and less time writing. The problem … Continued
Did you know that, still—decades after the women’s rights movement—females continue to make less than their male counterparts? Look it up if you don’t believe me. Yes, the playing field is more level nowadays, but that fact was totally clear … Continued
I know I’ve had a lot of Nicki Sosebee fans quite irritated with me. If you’re not a Nicki fan, you might ask why. Well, the last Nicki book I released was #8, Blind, and that was in late November … Continued
A year ago, I was still a lesser-known indie author. I’d gone about the whole enterprise the “wrong way.” I’ve been a writer my whole life and, a few years ago, when a close friend of mine told me about the ebook … Continued
My life has undergone a lot of changes over the past year, more than I ever would have imagined. I’ve been through a lot of emotional stuff, some good, some bad, but I tend to focus on the positive (even … Continued
I dream someday of just writing. I have so many other obligations that I can’t write as much as I’d like. This week, I’ve been writing like crazy on my newest novel Bullet, which I hope will be available to … Continued
I received a review recently (yeah, yeah…so I’m still glancing at them on occasion–I just can’t seem to help myself!) that left me a little bemused but it also made me smile. In it, the reviewer said that Tangled Web … Continued
Just for the record, I write for you. YES, you! But I also write for me. That means that sometimes my plans change. And I’m sorry for that. I’m going to be switching around my book writing plans based on … Continued