What the Future Holds
I’m taking a little pause from my “Blast from the Past” posts to give you a glimpse into the future. 🙂 As many of you already know, I tend to write what my muse (my heart and writing soul, basically) … Continued
I’m taking a little pause from my “Blast from the Past” posts to give you a glimpse into the future. 🙂 As many of you already know, I tend to write what my muse (my heart and writing soul, basically) … Continued
If you caught my blog post earlier this week, then you know I’m sharing old page content and turning it into blog posts so I can revamp other portions of my site to be more condensed and organized. While I’d … Continued
If you caught my blog post earlier this week, then you know I’m sharing old page content and turning it into blog posts so I can revamp other portions of my site to be more condensed and organized. Today, I’m … Continued
If you caught my blog post yesterday, then you know I’m sharing old page content and turning it into blog posts so I can revamp other portions of my site to be more condensed and organized. Today, I’m sharing the … Continued
Over the next month or so, I’m going to be making some huge changes to my website. Because of that, I’ll be getting rid of some of the pages I’ve developed. They’re a lot of work to maintain and visitors … Continued
If you’d asked me four years ago (when I was writing Tangled Web, the first book I published as an indie author) if I would ever write a sex scene involving more than two people, I would have laughed. Hard. … Continued
You know all those books I ordered for Rebels & Readers? Well, they’re now sitting here at my house, and they’ve gotta go! Want one as a Christmas present to yourself or to send to a friend? You can! Here are … Continued
Hello, my friends. It’s been a while, and I apologize for that. A lot has been going on in my life (those of you who follow me closely on Facebook probably know some of the details). That said, I think … Continued
All right. No rants this week. Instead, I want to talk about my next book. If you haven’t heard, Seal All Exits is coming out in November. It’s Tangled Web #3, and I think readers have been waiting for it … Continued