October Kindle Unlimited Giveaway
My friends, you know by now that I don’t do KU very often. I try it out now and then and always go back to wide distribution–mainly because KU hasn’t benefited me much at all over the years, and it … Continued
My friends, you know by now that I don’t do KU very often. I try it out now and then and always go back to wide distribution–mainly because KU hasn’t benefited me much at all over the years, and it … Continued
Are you sick of me saying this yet?!?! No, not the thing about your new book boyfriend, but what I’m about to say. 🙂 If you’ve been following this website (or even peeking in on my social media), then you … Continued
Woohoo! Scorched is almost here! As in NEXT WEEK, September 25! For those of you who like to be teased, I’m going to share a chapter here. At the very end, I’m going to share some info on how you … Continued
I conducted a poll a few months ago and asked my readers what they wanted me to write next. Almost half of my readers wanted to read the second book in the Feverish universe (it is a spinoff of my … Continued
Stephen King has said more than once, in advice to aspiring authors, “Write what you know.” I don’t recall if that is the exact phrase he’s used, but that’s one of the distilled nuggets I’ve been left with after reading … Continued